September 21, 2011

September 20, 2011

  • Soccer Evaluations

    Soccer evaluations tonight!  Oldest Large Child has been walking on her foot really well the last couple days, I think I’m going to let her risk actually participating.  It’s that or I’m going to have to seriously consider using duct tape to cover her mouth so I don’t have to hear her continual pleading, alternating with complaining that she can’t participate in them.  Who knew what would be unleashed when I finally put my daughter in soccer.  Well I should have guessed, she started asking to play “football” when she was five and we still lived in Ireland!


September 19, 2011

  • just call him Sportacus

    that basketball was flatter than a tire with a bolt in it! But Healthy Weighty Wee Man insisted on making baskets! It may not have bounced very well, but it went through the hoop perfectly fine!

September 18, 2011

  • Snipper Snooper Snapperdoodle

    We get to bring Snap home today.  After eight emotionally exahusting days at the vet, the Snapman gets to come home.  I can not thank the staff and veterinarians at Fish Creek 24 Hour Pet Hospital enough for not only their care of Snap, but in how they dealt with our family too. 

    first visit with Snap at the Vet … he was so happy to see me I went home wet from drool …

    When I left Snap at the vet, he had what was thought to be a routine urinary blockage …. yeah … not so much.  After the procedure to unblock his urinary passage, Snap kept voiding blood.  After many rounds of antibiotics and some more tests, one of the vets decided to take xrays discovering that The SnapMan had bladder stones.  The only way to treat this was surgery. 


    an after dinner family vist with The SnapMan … everybody got a chance to cuddle!

    Now surgery done, amount of blood in Snap’s urine significantly less and a much improved demeanor in Snap and he gets to come home.  Although, I will say having the excessively lovey cuddly cat that was Snap when I first went to visit him, would be nice.  But then again having the tawny bundle of energy that has to race past me going up the stairs, or that plays fetch indiscriminately is nice too.



September 15, 2011

  • If you’re seeing this page, I’m not finished updating yet … I’m up to the end of August! 

    And still plugging away! HEEE HEEE!


    post edit …. I’m beyond September 15th!  YAAHHHHOOOEEEE!


September 14, 2011

  • Brothers


    These are my niece’s sons.  Aren’t they just the cutest?!  Well after my own children of course!


September 13, 2011

  • Bad Parenting Moment

    After spending most of the summer rolling over on her ankles, Oldest Large Child hurt herself last week while we were down at the river with the dogs and didn’t tell me.  Now if you know me, I’m not one to run to the doctor in the first place if an illness or bump appears to be minor.  Knowing this, is why OLC didn’t tell me at first that she had hurt herself.  I noticed a day or so later that OLC was limping and when questioned, OLC said she slipped on the rocks, but it didn’t hurt much and she felt it was just a roll over.  Another day and OLC’s foot ankle still isn’t better and now she is limping MORE.  I applied some Myoflex and wrapped the foot and ankle figuring that should do the trick.

    Apparently not.  After hobbling about for nearly a week, I took OLC to the doctor today … apparently, OLC didn’t just roll over on her ankle, she sprained her foot.  So an additional pain relieving cream was prescribed and while crutches were not recommended, no running was.  Soccer evaluations are later this week … great.  I’m sure I must have looked like one of those hard core mothers pushing my child to excell at sports at all costs when I asked if Oldest Large Child would be able to participate in the evaluations.  Uhm, not really me, but I know my daughter and being told she could not play soccer, even for 10 days, broke her heart and mine for her.  Well there is nothing we can do but start resting the foot and getting it better so that OLC will be ready to play when practices start.


September 10, 2011

  • why do animals live in our hearts?

    I had to take my cat, Snap, to the vet late last night.  He has been acting a bit weird the past few days and last night after some more weird behaviour, I called the vet and it was recommended that I take him in.  **sigh**  Not really what I was wanting.  So after getting all the Monsters to bed, I went to get Snap to take him to the vet.  After a search of the house to find out where he was, as he was not coming when called (yes my cats do that!), I found him under my bed.  I thought he was dead.  First he didn’t evern flinch when I called him.  Then he didn’t move when I poked him.  I can’t describe the fear that went through my heart.

    After dragging my sucky man out from under my bed, stuffing him in the cat carrier, and heading out the door to the vet, we discover that Snap’s bladder is very most likely blocked.  Apparently this is common in male cats.  So the cat man himself was left at the vet for the night.  Now I fear the phone call telling me how much its going to cost to get him back!



September 9, 2011

  • Water Dogs

    Recently Winsome01 regained custody of the dogs he had with his exwife during their marriage.  The dogs love to go swimming and in an effort to have our dogs be social with out killing each other and Winsome01 and I in the process, we have begun taking them to the Bow River together.  Ella loves this and thinks this should be a regular event.


September 7, 2011

  • Bye Bye Bux

    Today I gave my notice that effectice immediately, I was leaving Starbucks.  It was not an easy thing to do, and I am not taking leaving lightly, but somethings are jsut not worth the stress it creates.  After the last explosion that completely ended my marriage at the beginning of the year, I worked hard to keep my job at Starbucks.  While it was only part time, it offered more than just a job.  Starbucks was a bit of and escape, an income, a social time, it was something … no somewhere I could go and troubles that were plaguing my life could be left at the door and I became (Insane Mother of Three) the barista.

    Sadly, lately working at Starbucks has been more stressful than my escape.  There was always some teenage drama happening at the store and then came the scheduling issue.  There was ALWAYS something happening with the schdule that made planning my family life impossible.  Trying to get the Monsters to soccer was becoming impossible.  Add to that the drama of the teenage staff … my familiy are more important to me than bringing that stress home.  It will mean having to curb LOTS of what we do, but being able to spend more time with my children will out weigh that.