Month: October 2008

  • I slept in….

    So I slept in this morning and in the rush to get Oldest Large Child out the door to school in a modicum amount of time, I gave her an instant breakfast (no time to eat cereal!) which I don’t normally do.  Infact I don’t think my monsters have ever had an instant breakfast. Ever.

    So instant breakfast consumed, off OLC skipped to school.  In the process of getting ready for school, Healthy Weighty Wee Man woke up and came across OLC drinking a chocolate drink and of course he wanted one too.  So instead of fighting I let him have one.  It was really funny to watch!  You would have thought that I just set a huge bag of candy in front of the child!  The delight!  And what was even funnier??  When I made like I was going to take the glass away, HWWM would grab the glass and not let go!


  • a typical tuesday?

    as I try to recover from having not only my father and his partener visit as well as having The Husband home for three days straight I find I am thankful for some very dry weather.  I had not realised how much I have become to hate dispies rain until recently.  I really wonder how I am going to cope once we get to the inclement weather season also known as late autumn, winter, and early spring.  It had rained this morning before we got up.  I was ever so ….. distraught to see the wetness everywhere and immediately felt feelings I hadn’t in what I also realised was a long time.  Who knew the weather could so greatly affect a persons whole mindset in such a miniscule fraction of a second!?!   Yes I know about Seasonal Affective Disorder but this was immediate and almost physical.  I was raised in an area that got lots of rain and after living in Ireland, I would be happy to live in a desert.

    I have not lived in this part of the world before so I am hoping that the weather we have experienced so far is more of the same in the days, weeks, months to come.  For the first time since she was born, Wee Blonde Child has not claimed to be constantly cold.  All Monsters have been able to play outside each and everyday (even if it is against their wishes at the moment they are being sent outside) and I have not started to melt from the rain.


  • it snowed yesterday

    Didn’t stick or anything but it snowed.  Fluffy corn snow.  At first I thought it was hail the shape of it and it wa dark clouds with wind and looked more to be threatening rain.  But nope it was snow.

    So yesterday was the first snow fall of the autumn/winter 2008/09.  Oddly enough I was collecting a christmas tree when it started snowing.

  • on this day four years ago …..

    Happy Birthday Baby Girl ….

    our pictures 008

    and the “party” after supper …

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