Month: April 2008

  • good morning dundalk

    that was me. 

    at 6am. 

    the rollerblader. 

    you were quiet and sleepy for the most part. 

    but I need to say, jocelyn street could use resurfacing.

  • okay video really needs to go with this but ….

    it was just one of those moments that happen, you can’t re-create and you have your arms full of laundry.   (at least I did)

    Wee Blonde Child: (being the last at the dinner table this afternoon) “Mummy, the oingions are just bashing in to my tongue.”

    this pearl was said with actions that I can’t even begin to put words to as WBC speaks with her hands in only a way that WBC can.

  • three attempts to get a family picture ….

    first attempt …

     . 008.jpg

    second attempt (The Husband HAD to take a phone call!) ….

     . 009.jpg

    FINALLY!  now if I had used my head and a tripod…..

    . 010.jpg 

  • a lazy Monday….

    We went to the beach…. 001.jpg

    and threw stones into the water ….. 003.jpg

    Oldest Large Child throws like a girl ….. 005.jpg

    The Husband supervised (at least that’s what he called it!). 007.jpg 

    Then we went to the playground…. 012.jpg

    and swung on the swings. 014.jpg

    and Healthy Weighty Wee Man found out he likes the slide ….. 015.jpg

    and going back up again…. 016.jpg

  • waiting….

    now we wait for the outcome of The Husband’s work permit application. 

    For the praying types that read this…. your prayers are requested for all things to go smoothly and the permit to be granted.  We know that things happen in God’s time not ours so please ask for patience on our part and understanding for the reasons not known to us for what ever the outcome.


  • a recent conversation in the police station

    In Ireland to get your passport you have to have a member of An Garda Siochana witness the signature portion as well as for the signatures of the parents when getting passports for children.  Well Wee Blonde Child’s passport was due to expire and there was only one year left on Healthy Weighty Wee Man’s passport so we thought get them both new ones at the same time.  So off we go get the applications fill them out and send them off.  Seems we did it wrong.  So the portion of the application that was wrong was sent back to us and we had to go and get a Garda to fill it in.

    This is how the conversation went….

    Insane Mother of Three: Hello. I need this portion of my childrens passport application filled out.  I didn’t do right the first time, so they sent me this in the post. (*I present to him the letter that accompanied the page of the application that was returned)

    Garda: Where is the rest of the application?

    IMT: Still at the Passport Office.  That is all they sent.  I had my chemist, Donnough Connolly, fill in that portion and they told me that was not good enough (the portion of the application where the signature of the parent was witnessed by a professional person known to you and who knows you for a period of not less than two years.  Our chemist has known us for near on four FULL years and has known said children since BEFORE birth! ~ I bought my prenatal vitamins from him!).  So here we are.

    Garda:  They sent you only this page? 

    IMT: Yes.

    Garda: For that?

    IMT: (thinking did I studder???)  Yes. Is there a problem?

    Garda: Yes they have just destroyed an official document.  Over something so trivial.

    IMT: **thinks ~ and this is abnormal for any Irish Government Dept how??

    Garda: ** picks up phone and dials numbers from top of letter from passport office** “The number is engaged.”  **continues to read and re-read all documents presented to him.

    Garda goes away and comes back two minutes later.  People are starting to queue behind us.

    Garda: The number is still engaged.  This is an outrage.  Thye could have sent the whole package back not just ripped a page out of a new one.  That is un-necessary destruction of Government Property.   ***and proceeds to fill out forms***

    This whole process took about 15 minutes.  While not a long time but still a wasteful time of Garda resources even though I still think the police force it self is still a joke ~ but that is another posting topic.

  • an evening conversation

    after getting the monsters to bed after a longer than usual evening walk  Insane Mother of Three and The Husband retire to the sitting room ….

    IMT: I want something (to eat)  but can’t decide what.

    TH: That shepards pie is out there.

    IMT: No something more like a bit of lovely moist sponge with some gorgeous icing.

    TH: Where you gonna get that at this time of day.

    IMT: Forget the time of day where would I find that in Dundalk!

    TH: Oh here we go gettin all American and sayin that everything back home is bigger and better.

    IMT: No. Just the food.  The chocolate here is better.  But I could get a lovely bit of cake at the Home Bakery, they do good cakes.  They are just not open right now.

    minutes later …..

    IMT: I could murder a bag of Oreo Double Stuffs.

    TH: WHAT??

    IMT: A bag of Oreo Double Stuffs

    TH: Again? In english this time.

    IMT: A. Bag. Of. Oreo. Double. Stuffs.

    TH: And what are Oreo Double Stuffs?

    IMT: Cookies.

    TH: Cookies.

    IMT: Yes lovely chocolate biscuits with yummy icing in the middle, but these ones have twice as much as normal.

    TH: We’re not even there yet and your plotting where to eat.

    IMT: Yep all that weight I lost will be found very quickly. 

    TH: And will I lose all the weight I found when you lost it?



  • things I will miss about Ireland …

    • chocolate

    • the friends I have made

    • breakfast baps

    • taco chips

    • long drives in the country on lazy Sunday afternoons (coz I get to see history going to waste)

    • the sales

    • my “new” neighbours

    • the vistas along our “regular” walking route

  • things I will not…

    • the rain

    • shopping when no sales are on!

    • the Gardai (the semi useless police force Ireland calls its own)

    • the roads (and how poorly they are maintained)

    • the gossip culture

    • the school system

    • the lack of playgrounds

    • the rain

    • SOME of the people I have met

    • creche fees

  • BED! BED!! BED!!!

    As I was putting clothes in the washing machine earlier Healthy Weighty Wee Man was beside me “helping” when he started saying loudly, “Bed. BED. BED!”  I turned to him and asked, “do you want to go to bed?” And he pointed at the machine and said, “NO! BED!”  That was when I realised that his blanket was put in the washing machine for a weekly cleaning…

             ry sleeping ~really!

    Yes he really is asleep…. awww my wee baba … in’t he cute??