Month: January 2006

  • they really don’t know . . . .

    Tonight my husband had some visitors and among other topics over conversation the weather was talked about.  Now far be it from me to make out that anything (let alone everything!) is bigger and better in Canada, but they really don’t know cold here, or snow!  Comments were heard about how cold it was and how it was sure to snow soon.  We are going to need to park up our cars for fear of having a wreak in the snow.  (insert rolling eyes and an almost anguished sigh from my side of the kitchen) Really these bouys have no idea . . .

    Now having lived a good portion of my life on the West Coast, I didn’t really know cold or snow for that matter either.  Then I moved to Toronto where we had cold from basically Labour Day and snow from November.  Both lasted until about mid April until the switch was flipped to warm/hot for the next five months.  No they don’t know hot either, but that is another set of wonderings that will happen about mid June (the height of the Irish summer).

    Now to stop myself from sounding like a broken record, I bite my inner cheek and silently wonder . . . do they have any idea what they are talking about??